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Greater Houston Council hosted another successful Nuts ‘N Bolts Workshop! Thank you to the RW clubs who participated in some great sessions designed to help clubs and club board members run their clubs effectively. All this training is designed to grow our club membership, train our future leaders, with the goal of electing Republicans. There were a lot of happy faces all day long!
The Southeast Texas area Club Presidents were also honored with roses and gifts for their service and leadership.
Thank you to TFRW President Zenia Warren, the TFRW Board members and presenters from our local clubs for participating in this day long workshop.
Thank you to our Nuts ‘N Bolts Co-Chairs Amy Byers and Betsy Kindred and their team for organizing an excellent program.
Well done, ladies!
You can view the photos of the day on this website. #TFRWLeads
Tina Gibson,
GHCFRW President
Original Nuts ‘N Bolts Workshop 2025
Click here for more photos.
Take Flight Gala 2024
Click here for more photos.